Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The World of Work

                  The purview of the Ohangwena Regional Resource Center is to facilitate the growth of the young people in our community. A very important way to meet this imperative is by anticipating the future needs of students, and giving them the skills they will need to enter the professional world of work. Students nearing the end of their time in high school will soon leave the comfortable cloister of their familiar surroundings. Unless they are fortunate enough to proceed to university, they must now seek jobs and gainful employment. At first this daunting prospect can make young people feel like a small fish in a large ocean. The subjects studied in school may seem remote from the skills necessary to secure a job.
           To meet this need, the Business Desk of the Ohangwena Resource Center has recently undertaken a series of workshops teaching career skills to students from across the region. Each day for a week, a large groups of approximately 60 older learners received training on the cardinal aspects of their upcoming job search. Even those out of school for some time can need instruction on ways to build career skills, so the final day of the workshop was designated for older learners from the community. Taught by the four Business Librarians, the learners were first taught on how to approach the task of searching for and securing a job. It is imperative that they do a critical self assessment; to think of what skills they have and what where their strengths lie, because this will allow them to hone-in on the field where they will gain the greatest satisfaction. The skills for working as a manager are very different from those needed for working in a bank. Next, they must learn as much as they can about the type of career they want to follow; the highs and lows, the potential for advancement, and of of course different businesses where they can find jobs in that field.

           Once they have determined where they would like to work, the job seeker must then create the two most important documents to help them accede to employment. The workshop took every pain to teach the learners how to write an exemplary CV and cover letter. Special emphasis was given to the idea that both documents are to be thought of as representations of the author, used by employers to judge job applicants before they are met in person. Therefore it is necessary to craft a superb CV to relate one's skills, professional history and how cumulative work experience has made them prepared for the job. The learners were shown how an effective cover letter can convey why they want a position, and how they can articulate their aptitudes to make employers realize that they are a candidate worthy of consideration. Both pieces can be used to demonstrate one's written communication skills, and serious interest in the job in question.
            The last critical piece of the puzzle learners were taught was how to have a successful job interview. You only get one first impression, and a poor interview can eliminate any chance of getting the job you desire. Preparation and practice are vital for any successful interview. The workshop participants were told pointers on how to dress for success and appear presentable in a work environment. The most common and deceptively simple question an interview might ask were covered, such as “tell me about yourself?,” “why do you want to work here?,” and ”what are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?” Most of all, the importance of being professional and confident were stressed. Nothing can kill an interview like shyness or being lackadaisical. Also the strategy of asking insightful question to the interview were covered, and why the interviewee is interviewing the employer as much as the inverse.     
          Armed with this impressive set of knowledge, the learners and job seekers who attended the workshop are well equipped to pursue their professional passions. A vital closing lesson was imparted: nobody said a job search would be easy. There will be highs and lows on the road to a gratifying career, but despite the adversity and setbacks, perseverance and dedication are necessary to achieve success.


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