Sunday, June 28, 2015

Lose your innocence without losing your virginity

Dealing with teenage pregnancies needs a multi-sectorial approach since the causes are multi-faceted. One of the underlying factors related to teenage pregnancy is poverty. Poverty has been described as the cumulative effect of a number of “social shortfalls,” that include inadequate education and housing, unemployment, poor working conditions and a lack of political voice. Poverty does not only affect the physical and mental aspects of an individual but it also limit personal choices and motivation for change (Raphael, 2002). Living in poverty leads to abuse, increased stress and anxiety. Poverty leads a father to sell his daughter’s virginity for a cup of alcohol.

A sense of personal worth, hope and a feeling of having control over one’s life, are important aspects for positive living. This can only be accomplished when people are informed and are equipped with the right information to make informed decisions in life. In Ohangwena, a region of more than 245,446 people only 38,342 people are formally employed and 86% are living below the poverty line (National Planning Commission, 2015). Majority of the unemployed are women who have no choice but to sell their bodies to gain a living. We thank the government for old age pensions because older women gain income through it. If it were not of that, one wonders how they were going to survive.

Therefore, sending a child to school or providing him/her with information is the only way of eradicating poverty now and for the generations to come. It is not a secret that those who are more privileged benefit from societal support and resources, just as those who are disadvantaged suffer from lack of support and resources. The community in which one grows up plays an important role in one’s success or failure. It is this realization that lead Namibia Library and Archives Services (NLAS) through the support of the Millennium Challenge Account – Namibia to build state a of the art library at Helao Nafid in Ohangwena.

The library is playing a very important role in the lives of young people. It serves as a regional information hub to empower the community members.  A realistic approach to pregnancy prevention recognizes the complexity of personal, social, and cultural issues that affect youth. Combining programs that provide information services and skills is what the library is doing as a way of rescuing our children from the jaws of the lion ‘poverty’. We know very well that when one does not have something to do, they can do anything including sex as a time killer. We always have something constructive for our library users. In May 2015 we started a program of training women with advanced computer skills. These skills will not only empower women to look for jobs but also to start their own businesses. Girls in Ohangwena we urge you to come in numbers to the library where you will lose your innocence (gain information) without losing your virginity.
If anyone is writing a thesis and would want someone to type it for him/her we have ladies in Ohangwena who can do it for you.

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